Advanced Level Camp

  • Cost: $400 covers camp tuition, all meals, three nights lodging in Texas State University residence hall, all instructional materials and supplies, and a camp T-shirt
  • Students eligible for enrollment in Advanced Athletic Training Summer Camp must have been an Athletic Training Student Aide at their school.
    • Please enclose written documentation from the supervising athletic trainer with the application.***
  • AND completed ONE or more of the following:
  • Texas State’s Intermediate Athletic Training Summer Camp 
    • Please indicate year of attendance on application
  • OR TSATA’s Sports Medicine I course 
  • OR Health Science course
    • These courses may not be offered at all schools.
    • Evidence of enrollment/completion of these course(s) must accompany the application and be demonstrated through the submission of a high school transcript or letter from their high school counselor or course instructor.***
  • Please note: 2 forms of written documentation must accompany the application at time of submission: clinical experience from the supervising athletic trainer and transcript or written documentation from the counselor or instructor.
    • Please send ALL documentation in ONE envelope.