The Cardiovascular Physiology Lab investigates lifestyle interventions in the modulation of vascular markers indicative of coronary heart disease risk.
Research Labs

Cardiovascular Physiology
Exercise Physiology
The Exercise Physiology Teaching Laboratory contains exercise equipment (e.g., heart rate monitors, treadmills, exercise bicycles, and metabolic analyzers) and software for evaluating human performance, prescribing exercise, and analyzing diets.

Environmental Physiology
The Cardiovascular Physiology Lab investigates lifestyle interventions in the modulation of vascular markers indicative of coronary heart disease risk.
Metabolic & Applied Physiology
The Metabolic and Applied Physiology Laboratory (i.e., MAP Lab) involves work with human subjects with a focus on dietary and exercise interventions aimed at improving aspects of cardiometabolic health and performance.

Neuromuscular Physiology
The primary focus of the lab is muscle metabolism and neuromuscular response to inactivity, and exercise training interventions.