
Volcano Science Experiment
Volcano Science Experiment

Prior research has shown that providing campers with fun-filled experiences can encourage development of important communication and socialization skills. The long-term goal of the program is to support the San Marcos school district and community development for enhancement of recreational opportunities for young children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


  • To promote physical activity among children with ASD in the San Marcos community and surrounding areas
  • To provide children with ASD in the San Marcos and surrounding communities access to quality virtual recreational summer camp experiences
  • To address the lack of recreational activities for children with ASD by introducing the children to a variety of camp activities
  • To assist children with ASD in a daily schedule that provides time for arts and crafts, games, physical/therapeutic recreational activities, and many other important activities
  • To allow each child to improve his/her fine and gross motor skills, sensory-motor development, and socialization skills
  • To improve life skills, such as eating, toileting, and hygiene among children with ASD
  • To provide our camp counselors with hands-on experiences and training on how to facilitate play, talk, communication, and interaction with children with ASD.