Parent/Counselor Remarks

The parents complete a survey after each session that includes questions about their child’s experience and participation in camp activities, the counselors, and their overall camp perception. Results of the survey showed that all parents felt that their child enjoyed the camp. Here are some of their written comments.

Parent Remarks:

"I appreciate you working hard to find strategies that worked for my child and engaging him.”

“Family savings was at least 300+. The money saved was used for school clothes/supplies and the pedaure our son drinks daily which can be pretty expensive” 

“Transitions are hard for him and just offer the 1st day I didn’t have to sneak out!"

“This provided my son an opportunity to interact with other kids and adults to help him with his social skills.” 

Counselor Remarks:

“Well, my experience at the camp has been much better than I expected! I was kind of nervous but was also eager to learn from the kids and take something away from them as well. Now having gone through a full week, I know what to expect and the energy it takes to stay at my campers’ level. One of the best things for me was interacting with some of the other campers, mainly the older ones. It has really shed some light on was autism looks like with a range of 

“One of my finest experiences was working at the summer camp for children with autism. I am extremely grateful for the chance to work with kids who have autism. I found it to be a very positive experience to observe his behavior change from the first to the fourth week. I observed significant improvement in his behavior. He listened and began to converse briefly and say a few phrases. Over the past two weeks, he has also liked spending at least 30 minutes playing on the playground. He played with other children and took part in group activities. I had a wonderful experience, learned a lot, and am incredibly grateful that I got the chance.”